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Converter Theft

Exposing the Underground Network of a Catalytic Converter Theft Ring

“Come to find out… 8 other locations were hit… 7 different states,… we believe it’s organized crime.” We had the pleasure and opportunity to sit…

Converter Theft

Precious Metal Prices Increase Catalytic Converter Theft

In the United States over 130,000 catalytic converters were stolen in the last year! We can see that the trend is…

Converter Theft

10x Increase in Catalytic Converter Theft!

Over 130,000 Catalytic Converters were stolen in the last year! As precious metals price rises so does catalytic converter theft!   Subscribe to our YouTube…

Converter Theft

Precious Metals Pricing Leads to 10x Increase in Catalytic Converter Theft!

Our latest podcast episode unveils the connection between precious metals pricing and the alarming rise in catalytic converter theft!   Subscribe to our YouTube channel…

Converter Theft

What’s Being Done to Stop Catalytic Converter Theft

In recent years, catalytic converter theft has become a major issue, with criminals targeting vehicles to steal the valuable metals inside…

Automotive Recycling

ICE Engines are NOT going away!

Subscribe to our YouTube Channel where we host Noble6 Talks a podcast from your automotive precious metals experts. Follow us on social…

Converter Theft

$500 Million Catalytic Converter Theft Bust!

As catalytic converter theft has become a hot topic, affecting all our communities across the United States, a new bust has been made that…

Converter Theft

FBI Dismantles Catalytic Converter Theft Ring

As catalytic converter theft has become a hot topic, affecting all our communities across the United States, a new bust has been made that…

Converter Theft

How Can We Stop Catalytic Converter Theft?

Millions of catalytic converters are on the road. Catalytic converters are stolen because they contain valuable precious metals such as platinum,…

Converter Theft

Effective Solutions to Combat Catalytic Converter Theft

Howard Nusbaum, administrator of the National Salvage Vehicle Reporting Program, discusses the steps needed to combat catalytic converter theft. From the difficulties of labeling catalytic…

Check out our price guide

We believe in demystifying the process of Catalytic Converter recycling with fair pricing and the tools to get more out of your precious metals. Learn more about our completely free Price Guide.

Price Guide