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What is the PGM Automotive Recycling Program?

What is the PGM Automotive Recycling Program?

PGM Recovery Systems strives to provide you with the most competitive pricing on catalytic converters. With over a decade of experience in the automotive precious metals industry, we have identified opportunities to ensure that you get the most money out of your recycling efforts. We’ve even put together a free online pricing guide where you can search through thousands of catalytic converters to see if our prices are the best for you. While our catalytic converter recycling practices have made many automotive professionals like you happy, there are other services we provide that could help your business grow. The automotive recycling program was designed with one goal in mind: to make recycling automotive precious metals both easy and profitable. We will purchase your catalytic converters, oxygen sensors, and even your spark plugs through this program.

What Sparked the Program

We developed the program after introducing a new technology into the industry that allows us to efficiently harvest the precious metals found in your scrap spark plugs. Millions of old spark plugs are replaced in vehicles and discarded each year, resulting in a waste of precious metals. Most spark plugs contain platinum and iridium, and most of it will never be used again in the circular economy. Our automotive recycling program is our solution to this dilemma, while also increasing the profitability of your recycling efforts. Although the amount of precious metal contained within each spark plug is small, it is still valuable to our planet if properly recycled. We understand that collecting spark plugs to make some extra money is not as appealing, so we have bundled in our other services within this program to ensure you can justify this process.


Our program requirements are straightforward. We require a total of 700 lbs. gross weight of the three materials we process. This weight requirement can be met by combining oxygen sensors (with or without wiring harnesses), spark plugs (only iridium or platinum), and a minimum of ten OEM catalytic converters. We even mail you a welcome packet outlining the process and stickers to keep your boxes organized while collecting your materials!

Get Paid

Once you have reached the required gross weight and have the material packaged securely, we will schedule a pickup and have your material conveniently shipped to our facility. You can expect transparency and prompt payment, as with every service we offer here. Join our automotive recycling program today to get more out of your scrap parts!


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