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O2 Sensor Recycling

When Should the Oxygen Sensor Be Replaced?

When Should the Oxygen Sensor Be Replaced? Oxygen sensors are small but vital components in your car.

PGM Recovery Systems

The Worst Chip Shortage

What You Need to Know About the Chip Shortage The global chip shortage has shocked…

Automotive Recycling

Auto Recycling: Make More For Your Scrap

Auto Recycling: The Most Valuable Recyclable Part! Automobiles are everywhere, and…

Automotive Recycling

Refiners and Smelters of PGMs (Platinum Group Metals)

Refiners and Smelters of PGMs (Platinum Group Metals) Platinum group…


Why Get Paid on Assay?

Why Get Paid on Assay? This information is for large volume accumulators of catalytic converters. Small quantities of converters do not produce enough ceramic monolith…


How Cars Impact The Earth

How Cars Impact The Earth We are all aware that the vast majority of today’s vehicles are gasoline-powered and emit pollutants. It is…

Automotive Recycling

What’s New With EV Batteries

What’s New With EV Batteries Many battery companies are entering the market as the electric vehicle market continues to grow at an exponential…

Catalytic Converter Recycling

How To Know If You Have An OEM Catalytic Converter

How To Know If You Have An OEM Catalytic Converter We get asked a lot of questions about OEM catalytic converters in the…

PGM Recovery Systems

Where Does Gold Come From?

Where Does The Earth’s Gold Come From? Gold is the world’s most sought-after precious metal among most civilizations in our existence. Gold does…

Automotive Recycling

Can You Sell Used Spark Plugs?

Can You Sell Used Spark Plugs? Every year, hundreds of millions of spark plugs are replaced. The vast majority of these spark plugs…

Check out our price guide

We believe in demystifying the process of Catalytic Converter recycling with fair pricing and the tools to get more out of your precious metals. Learn more about our completely free Price Guide.

Price Guide